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Monday, November 10, 2008

Picked blueberry Home on sat, was such a " interesting " journey......
Was so so so so tired, ZZZzzzzzZ once afta i bathe
Woke up round 10.45pm, then went out and hunt myself some food,
Got myself a Ramly Burger at the stall sumwhere near my hs , it wasnt reli nice ....
so i ate half and pass the other half 2 Isabel since she love it so much
that 50% Ramly burger isnt filing enuff for me , so went 2 the fridge and get myself some wud be better if it was Rum-N-Raisins.......tsk tsk


Daniel S.H. said...

*in guilt*

p.s.: cute posting with cute posing btw. ;p

Amber said...

u r so quick , i jus posted it