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Friday, April 25, 2008

The day before 25th of April (4pm) - Straw was experiencing "Financially" distress
The day afta 25th of April (4pm) -"Financially" free eventually, but a sorrowful moment emerged as well

Straw was sitting 4 her last paper 2day - which is the Finance II paper
(Exam finished)--->Every1 were saying that it was a really really easy paper,and it was considered almost d easiest paper they've eva sitted afta all.
But,it was consider as a real tough 1 for straw(its true)....She have no confident at all in doin that paper.Afta finishing her exam,she started 2 think of the consequences if she eva failed this paper,she was mournin over her own mistakes and of the way she wasting her time on d fon calls a day b4 her paper

Straw told her frens that she's afraid of failling this paper,but no1 belif in her,they tot straw was lying or even jokin.They told straw,u'll never fail and pls stop joking bout all these nonsense.....
Straw was so confused if she really can pass this paper? Or else she might hv 2 stay 4 another yr more.

So,ppl out dere hu're reading this post pls pray hard 4 straw,pray that she'll pass her Finance II paper
I bet straw will reli reli reli appreciate that...


I Love Music said...

amber u are soo cutee .....mwahhh tc (K)