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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Gege seems busy these days
He seems kinda stress and exhausted by tonnes of work in the factory
The increased price of petrol caused him lotsa prob as he was dealing with packaging and printing biz....
The increased price of the petrol caused lotsa raw materials like PVC's price shoot up
I cant do anything but jus listening 2 gege moaning over the fon, I felt so incapable in action and helpless!! How i wish if i could do sumtin 2 help gege, I felt reli bad as gege helped me a lot when m in a dilemma and wheneva m in trouble, But i jus couldnt help him anything while he was facing posers and cracks!!!
Gege, i'll be praying here 4 u and hope it will be a better day 4 u 2mr.....

